Education Inclusion Development
Registered Charity 1130994
Company registered in England and Wales 6915555
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Volunteer with us
Volunteering opportunities
We welcome volunteers to help in the delivery of our services.
We have a variety of opportunities for volunteers to contribute to our work.
Early development group volunteer
Volunteer administrator
Youth club volunteer
Family Saturday session volunteer helper
Early Development Group Volunteer
most weekday mornings
Job Description:
To help with preparation of resources for groups, including: photocopying, laminating, cutting and sticking.
To help set up the space for early development groups.
To support the practitioner in the delivery of the early development group session.
To help with kitchen duties, this includes: washing up, making drinks, and tidying up after groups.
If comfortable, to work on a computer to prepare relevant documents, such as leaflets and reports.
If you are available, to occasionally provide support in crèches when necessary.
Volunteer Administrator
Flexible Hours (usually during school hours)
Job Description:
To help with preparation of resources for groups, including: photocopying, laminating, cutting and sticking.
To help with kitchen duties, this includes: washing up, making drinks and tidying up after groups.
To prepare outgoing mail for postage (stuffing envelopes, franking, stamping, etc.). Includes taking mail to the post office.
To work on a computer to prepare relevant documents, such as leaflets and reports.
Youth Club Volunteer
Friday (18:00 – 22:00)
Job Description:
To help deliver our weekly youth club for young people with Down syndrome aged 11+.
To interact with the young people, to encourage them to engage with activities and socialise amongst themselves appropriately.
To oversee the safety of the people in attendance, by ensuring correct use of equipment and safe interpersonal interaction.
Training in behaviour management, safeguarding and appropriate touch is compulsory and will be provided.
A Touch Policy will be provided for you to read in addition to the policies in this handbook.
Family Saturday Session Volunteer Helper
Usually Second Saturday of the month (9:45 – 12:30)
Job Description:
To play with and support the children on a one to one basis.
To play with the children in a group activity.
To be comfortable introducing parents to the activities, when desired.
To help set up activities, if you’re able to arrive by 9.00am.
To tidy up after activities, and keep the toys clean.
To help with washing up.
To help keep kitchen clean and tidy.
Help out at a fundraising event
Throughout the year we hold/take part in a number of fundraising events.
These are usually stalls, raffles and tombolas.
All volunteers will be asked of they should like to be involved in the event.
You are welcome to accept or decline the invitation.
Guidance on fundraising events can be found in our fundraising policy.